We can Use Linux Commands in Windows with Cygwin

We can use the UNIX/LINUX commands and also run shell scripts in Windows.This can possible with Cygwin it is free software can download from site.

We can refer the bellow links for reference

Installing Cygwin/X




Cygwin Package List


EMS scripting - How to execute a sequence of EMS commands

We can execute a sequence of EMS commands by writing a simple script file.
write EMS commands in txt file and save in location C:\tibco\ems\5.1\bin
Example script file is dev.scr and its content is

show queues
show topics

open command prompt and go to the location C:\tibco\ems\5.1\bin and run the below command, it will execute the EMS commands

tibemsadmin -server "tcp://localhost:7222" -user admin -password "" -script C:\tibco\ems\5.1\bin\dev.scr

just give the full path of the file with the extension(i.e C:\script.txt or C:\script.scr or C:\script.anything) in the command and run it.
Even if there is no file extension, it doesnt matter :-)...you just need to have a plain text file with all the ems commands.

Syntax of the command is

tibemsadmin -server <server-url> -user <user-name> -password  <password> -script C:\script.txt

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