How can we invoke web service without transport or port ??

This can possible if it requires for within the same process engine.

Specify the type of endpoint as LOCAL in service pallette config.

This type of endpoint provides a highly efficient way for local services to invoke each other without incurring the overhead of using a network transport(this is available to consumers within the same process engine)

Transport is MUST for SOAP specification.So in case of LOCAL this is the value for transport  ""

This URI value " " corresponds to the HTTP binding in the SOAP specification. Other URIs  indicate other transports (such as SMTP, FTP, etc.).

And after configuration of the service pallete ,this can inovoke by Partner Link Configuration (shared Resource) and Invoke Partner (activity)

Partner Link Configuration-->Partner Links-->service endpoint   here select endpoint which is configured in service pallette

process defenition "Partner" tab -->Partner Link here select this shared resource 'Partner Link Configuration'

In this process defention take "Invoke Partner" activity and  pass the inputs as required in input tab.

"Invoke Partner" activity configuration tab -->Partner and Opeartion drop downs are enabled By selecting the  'Partner Link Configuration' in process defenition "Partner" tab (beside the 'Process Variables' tab) corresponds to the HTTP binding in the SOAP specification. Other URIs  indicate other transports (such as SMTP, FTP, etc.).

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