AppManage commands Syntax

AppManage location C:\tibco\tra\5.4\bin>

Creating the configuration xml File from a deployed application..

AppManage -export -out C:\AUTODEPLOY\HOToStore.xml -app HOToStore/HOToStore -domain TIBADMIN -user tibco -pw tibco

Creating the configuration xml File from Ear File

AppManage -export -ear C:\AUTODEPLOY\HOToStore.ear -out

Deploy command using ear and config xml.....

AppManage -deploy -ear C:\temp\HOToStore.ear -deployconfig C:\temp\HOToStore.xml -domain TIBADMIN -user tibco -pw tibco

UnDeploy Command

AppManage -undeploy -app HOToStore/HOToStore -domain TIBADMIN -user tibco -pw tibco

Deploy command for deploying an application that is in the undeployed state

AppManage -deploy -app HOToStore/HOToStore -domain TIBADMIN -user tibco -pw tibco

Delete Command

AppManage -delete -app HOToStore/HOToStore -user tibco -pw tibco -domain TIBADMIN -force

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